
DIY Christmas Wreath For Front Door

Loop the green grass (easily available in shops) around the wreath ring. Fix the ends of the grass strand to the ring using wires. Next, we can get our choice of décor to tie to wreath. I'll be using a burlap bow tie to the bottom. I attached a flower to the bow tie and tied the bow to the wreath using wires. Similarly tie your other decor around the wreath. Most of the christmas décor come with a flexible wire attached to it, so you would only need to extend it using another wire and twisting them both together. Do the finish touches, tie a ribbon to the top and hang it on your door.  Merry Christmas!

DIY Christmas wreath for door handle

What you would need is shown below:- The normal christmas decor available be sufficient to make this. I have used the bamboo ring for the wreath, the silver decorative strand and blue cloth to cover the ring, easily available decor like bells, pine corns, flowers, berries etc. To tie up the decor to the wreath you would need the silver wire which is flexible and will help you hold things in place. Step 1: Cover the ring with the silver strand and blue cloth. Step 2: The flower and berries i used here come with the wiring, so i just had to flex it and tie it around the top of the ring. Once done, it would look like :- Step 3: Add in more of your decor - The beels and Merry Christmas piece to the centre and pine corns to the sides. Use a piece of your cloth, loop it through the wreath and tie it into a ribbon at your door handle. That's about it. Merry Christmas!!!

Liquor bottle turned vase! DIY

DIY hack with liquor bottles Got any empty liquor bottles left? Got any acrylic paint? Well, go ahead! Clean and dry your liquor bottle. Choose your favourite acrylic color (Spray paint could bring a polished look to this. Also, you may experiment with other kinds of paints and do let me know too..). Paint your bottle and let it dry! That's it! You are done!  Took an hour at most, didn't it?  :)